About Me: Dylan Hopkins
So today I wanted to do a blog post about me so that for those of you who know me, you can know my story and why I do what I do. Ok so as you know my name is Dylan Hopkins. I live in a small suburb just outside of Denver, CO. I'm 18 years old and I have my own Online Marketing business.
My childhood was pretty normal for an all american boy, I had both my parents, my grand parents, and my aunts, uncles, and cousins. I think my whole life changed the day when my grandmother past away. Her name was Irene Hopkins and she was the most beautiful woman in the world to me. She had a kind personality. She could get anyone to like her and be her friend. She loved me to death, and I know she never admitted it but I think that she loved me the most out of all her grand children. And I don't say that to be rude to my cousins but i'm saying that cause I was the grand child that spent the most time with her. And I loved her to death as well.
The sad thing to me about her passing was that I was on vacation for spring break in Phoenix, AZ at the time. I didn't even know she was in the hospital until two days later. Immediately I was on my way back to Colorado to go and see her. Luckily I made it to say my final words to her, It was the saddest day of my life! What do you say to someone when they are about to pass on? I was only 12 I didn't know what to say! But I stumbled out the words "I love you," And that was the last thing I said to her.
My grandma passed away on March 31st, 2008. ...And to this day I remember the last thing she saw me doing, I was playing the piano for her for the first time in my life. Well that effected me pretty well. If the last thing she saw me doing was playing the piano, the I was going to be a musician. One problem, my family is not what you call "Rich." I didn't have money to buy anything. So for the next few years I laid low and did almost nothing cause my grandmothers passing was pretty depressing for me.
As if the passing of my grandmother wasn't enough. I had to start Middle school the next year. And if you know me, well you will know that I was NEVER that popular kid in school. In fact just because I was nerdy and different and had phobias and fears, it gave the bullies the reason to push me around. If you have ever seen that TV show "Monk," then you can compare me to him in a way haha. But anyways even my own so called "friends" treated me like crap when they were around the "Populars." So I kinda gave up. I was suicidal, and I felt that way cause there was no one to trust.
I was alone a lot in my parents basement just by myself with nothing to do all day, when all of a sudden in the 8th grade I found a type of music that literally saved me. That music was by a guy named Adam Young.
Owl City: Adam Young
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Owl City (Adam Young) |
Adam Young of Owl City is probably one of the biggest influences in my whole life! You may know him from the triple platinum hit "Fireflies." Or you may know him from the song "Good Time" with Carly Rea Jepson. Well his powerful electronic music from his album "Ocean Eyes" got me out of the sad depressing state that I was always in. It reminded me that the End could come at anytime, and if you leave this earth without making an impact, that I was going to be left behind. Adam's music teaches me that you need to prove all the people who never believed in you wrong.
The really cool thing to me about Adam Young is he's almost just like me. Yeah no joke. I have read Adam's story almost a million times and its almost just like my life. He was bullied in school at the same grades I was bullied. He always spent time in his parents basement, alone and sad. He even sounds like me and I can sound like him when I sing, and i'f you don't believe me then call me up and i'll sing for you. But I think the biggest thing that I think I have with Adam is in the pictures. Take a good look at Adam's photo above, and then scroll up and look at my photo. Do you notice anything? Yes, I kinda look like Adam as well. And a quick funny story. I went to go see an Owl City concert in Denver at the Filmore, and I had back stage passes, and there was a whole line of girls behind a gate and when I began to walk in the back doors the started to scream and shout "ADAM, HEY ADAM, I LOVE YOU!" I had to yell "I'm Not Adam!" But it was awesome that I gotta live the the rock star life for a few seconds.
Anyways I told myself that if Adam can do it so can I. So for about the next two years I studied music and how to play, but I learned that only 1% of musicians get famous. And I gave up.
Another reason I gave up just in general, is cause the bulling at my school got worse. People began to turn on me. And hears the saddest thing I ever experienced in the bulling world, I started to make friends, but the only reasons I made those friends is because I was older than most people in my class, and I was the only one in my grade who had a car. But when those so called "Friends" started getting their licences, they didn't need me anymore, so they left me behind. That's when I started having trust problems, and I became so introverted that I dropped out of school and started spending every day alone in my basement. In my mind I was dead. And that's what everyone else started to think. That's the power of what a bully can do to a person.
Well at that point I was already on the internet a lot, and then out of no where and old friend introduced an online marketing business to me that he was in. And it took me a month to decide to join but I did. A month later I gave up. Cause I had not one person who wanted to join under me cause I didn't have friends. And that so called "friend" that recruited me never helped me, EVER!
At that point I had enough of the B.S. I was going to get successful in the world of online marketing. No matter what it took, but on a beautiful day in April, I was out working when I got in trouble with the Police.
April 3rd, 2013 to me was a day I wish I would have just stayed home. I was working at my flyer door hanging job when I found myself crossing a huge golf course, and then out of no where the Police rolled up on me, and accused me of stealing a sand rake. I was shocked! They said that the day before a person who looked just like me stole a rake, and ran off with it. But I wasn't there the day before that. Lets say, I was pissed, sad and alone all over again. I had never been in trouble with the police before, and I had a court date. I'm a sensitive guy, so when the Bloomfield Police treated me like a criminal, my emotions were every where. I found myself in the same position that I always found myself in, depressed and alone in my basement, except now I was afraid of the world too. It still gets to me today!
Well I still decided to embark on the online marketing business and I had a plan, I was going to use a web site to get me leads. I trusted the Empower Network that was founded by Dave Wood, and Dave Sharpe. But a lot of the training that they provided was way out of my budget. I was stuck again! It was just like wow I can not get a break. So once again I started searching the internet for help.
Finding Adam Chandler
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Adam Chandler |
I started searching YouTube for free videos on how to get leads to an online business. Well every time I would search, this guys videos kept popping up. I remember one video saying "Work with Adam Chandler." I thought who the heck is Adam Chandler? I watched his videos, I added my contact info to his E-mail list, and I even researched the guy. I found out that he was one of the top marketers in his own Online business. I even watched a video of him explaining how he started Internet Marketing. At that one moment in my life I told myself, "Dylan, you can't do this alone!" I had changed my whole mind set of "I'm going to do this by myself." I change in only two minutes.
I looked up Adam's contact information and shot him an E-mail telling Adam that I had an Online Marketing business and I was going to do anything it took to become successful in it. I also told him I would do anything that he told me to do, cause guess what, I realized who was making money, and who wasn't.
Adam took me seriously! He said I want to help you man. And in that one second that he said that, I didn't feel so alone anymore. I didn't have to have the weight on my shoulder of "you gotta do everything yourself." And that's the most powerful feeling in the world.
So today I am working with Adam, learning new things, and learning the real way of how to market in the online world.
I hope Adam is reading this right now cause I really do want him to know that he impacted my life in a way that I can't even understand yet. And right now I know if I ever need help with Internet Marketing
Thanks Adam for being there for me, when I really needed help! I can't thank you enough Adam!
And if you the reader, wants to know what I learned from Adam, and what he learned from other top Internet Marketers, you can click right HEAR to find out how to grow an awesome online Internet Marketing Business 100% FREE.
Thanks for reading my probably very boring life story, and again a special thanks to Adam Chandler, I owe my success to you Adam! I guess I owe my life to two Adams, haha.
Thanks Everyone, and take care,
Dylan S. Hopkins
100% FREE advise to make an Online Business Successful
Just got done watching this amazing FREE webinar about pulling in leads on Facebook that blew my freakin mind!!
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